Thrusday, 06.24.04 You can now download a game for your pc.
Please click here to start downloading.
Monday, 06.07.04 I spent some time updating the Bio section with more information about characters and their role-play in the Yu-gi-oh. Enjoy reading the new and updated Bio
Thursday, 06.10.04 Our Card of the Week for today
is Change of Heart. This card is the ultimate and the easiest way of getting your opponents monster.
Friday, 06.18.04 Some Cool News! Sources at 4kids Entertainment Home Video have confirmed
the release of the original Japanese versions of Yu-Gi-Oh! as well as Shaman King on DVD this fall. They'll both contain the
original, unedited animation, which of course, has never been available in the US. We'll bring you more details as we get
them. Stay tuned to this breaking story!
I will be updating this site every week, so you can come and check what's new. I will be adding deck fixes,
wallpapers, cheat codes for games, and new tournement arrangments.If you have any requests, questions, or suggestions, please
email me to
Daily Updates 05/02/04
- corrected the picture link problem
- took out the inappropriate messages
Daily Updates 06/20/04
- more news
- working on the rate our site poll
- more polls will be added by 07/01/04