Once a week, our Card of the Week
Team their opinions on various Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Sorry for my slack on this part, I have been concentrating on something else.
Goblin King(Pojo's Picture) Common
Fiend / Effect Monster This card cannot be attacked if there is another Fiend-Type
monster on your side of the field. The ATK and DEF of this card become the number of Fiend-Type monsters on the field (excluding
this card) x 1000 points.
Type - Dark /
1 / 0 / 0 Card Number - AST-031
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5
is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 7.08.04 |
Goblin King
Goblin King is an interesting monster. With terrible stats of 0/0,
it is searchable by Witch, Sangan, and Tomato; and being Level 1, he can be easily metamorphosed into Thousand Eyes Restrict.
That said, the effects are pretty good. If there's another Fiend on the field (which there had better be if you intend
to play this guy at all), he can't be attacked. Similar to the Bone Towers, Captains, and Dragons, two of these = your opponent
cannot attack either one.
The second effect is decent; this card's ATK is equal to the number of (other) Fiends on
the field x1000. Have two Goblin Kings on the field? They'll each be at 1000. Summon this after Giant Germing your opponent?
He'll be at 2000. Field full of Fiends? 4000. For a Level 1, that isn't bad.
The fact that you really need at least
other Fiends on the field for this to be effective does hurt its playability, but in the right deck, Goblin King could be
a very good pick.
Typical tournament deck: 1.5/5 Fiend deck: 4/5 OVERALL RATING: 2.8/5 |