News are added weekly:
We are curently looking for volunteers/employees/helpers to help managing this site. If you want to help please email
me at
P.S.(sorry about the spelling)
March News:
Want to “Get Your
Game On”? Elemental Energy, the new Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG booster pack, is available now, featuring 29 cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh!
GX television series! Watch for the new Elemental Energy TV commercial, or click below for a special preview
Watch the commercial here!(wmv)
The wait is over, the most desired card in Yu-Gi-Oh!,“Blue-Eyes
Ultimate Dragon”comes stateside, packaged with the January issue of Shonen Jump Magazine, the world’s most popular
manga. Commemorating the third anniversary of the magazine, “Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon” has the highest attack
strength of any monster! Visit to subscribe and guarantee your copy of this card!
"Des Volstgalph" is the new Shonen Jump Championship Prize
With over 400 people competiting in the Indianapolis Shonen Jump Championship,
Nareg Torossian emerged as the winner and the first person to claim "Des Volstgalph", the new Championship Prize Card!
Native Max Suffridge Defeats Over 480 of the Nation's Best Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game Duelists and Becomes '2005 Yu-Gi-Oh!
TCG National Champion'
Suffridge to Represent the U.S. at the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG
World Championship
Tournament Next Month in Tokyo, Japan
COLUMBUS, OHIO – July 03, 2005 – After 16 hours of fierce
competition, the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME now has its National Champion. Defeating over 480 of the nation’s
best Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG players, 20-year-old Max Suffridge from Louisville, Kentucky has not only been recognized as the best of
the nation’s best, but as the official “Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG U.S. National Champion.” Suffridge is one of
four Duelists representing the United States in next month’s Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG World Championship Tournament in Tokyo, Japan.
After going 9-1 in the Swiss rounds, Suffridge plowed through quarterfinals
opponent Brent Yetter to advance closer to the title. Suffridge was then pitted against his round nine opponent, 18-year-old
Bryan Coronel of Jersey City, New Jersey, in a rematch from the previous day. After again defeating Coronel, he
faced Miguel Garcia of Oakland Park, Florida, who played three intense rounds in the final match-up. Using a “Heavy
Storm” card (Fury From the Deep Structure Deck) to end the game, Suffridge defeated Garcia member and was crowned national
As a semi-finalists, Garcia, Coronel and 18-year-old Jerry Wang (Corona,
New York) will join Suffridge in Japan next month to battle over 25 countries for the world championship title. These
countries include Japan, Philippines, Australia, Brazil, Switzerland, and Canada to name a few. The Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG World
Championship event will be held August 6-7 in Tokyo, Japan.
The intense competition -- held over two days at the Origins Gaming Expo
in Columbus, Ohio (July 2 and 3) – became a true nationwide event, attracting players from around the U.S. who have
come to Columbus from as far as Texas, Hawaii, California, New York, and Florida, to name a few states. All Yu-Gi-Oh!
TCG national tournament competitors earned a spot in the U.S. National Championship tournament by competing and winning previous
tournaments in their various regions.
For more information on decklists, and quarterfinalist participants, please log onto
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Tuesday, 06.07.05 Yugamenia have currently signed a contract
with Yugioh componay, in order to be able to sell cards and give free insights on the upcoming projects. Also we are
currenly constucting our own website that is not tight to tripod. The website should be available on August 6th, it will
contain features like veiwing movies, screenshots, competition to our small buisness, and also being able to buy cards that
some other websites are UNABLE to sell. We will also put up polls, enable for guests to register with us and send updates
for whats new and results for our polls. During the month of August we will also feature a buy one card and get 2 ANY cards
for free.
Tuesday, 03.28.05(i think) If you have an idea that you want
for this website to focus then please email it to i will be happy to put on new things. I am currently working on a card debase.
You buy 1 card you get 2 random cards FREE!
Sunday, 03.12.05 Long time no see YUGIOH fans! I am back
to support YUGIOH and i will be putting a lot more interesting things on this website. One of the things is THE GAME of YUGIOH
that you can download from this website.
Tuesday, 07.13.99 The blog section is now available.Our new and updated gallery is now. Click here to check it out. Enjoy!
Thursday, 07.08.99 Another new section came out. The Deck now descripes all types of cards in the Deck.
Exclusive Pack at the 2004 World Championship Yu-Gi-Oh! fans will now have a
chance to take a sneek-peek at the never-before-seen Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Exclusive Pack at the upcoming Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG 2004 World
Championship event. The Exclusive Pack will be available for sale at the event on July 25 in the Anaheim Convention Center
in California. The cards will be released nationally in conjunction with the upcoming Warner Bros. production, "Yu-Gi-Oh!:
The Movie" in August.
 The Exclusive Pack is the only set that will feature signature monsters of Anubis and additional monsters and cards featured
in the movie. The Exclusive Pack cards are playable with previously released cards and in tournaments, the eight-card set
consists of five Common cards and three Ultra Rare cards.
Wensday, 06.30.99 The Card of the Week is Wingweaver. One of the searvants of the Pharoe. Its a vicious fairy with great ATK and DEF.
Friday, 06.18.99 Some Cool News! Sources at 4kids Entertainment
Home Video have confirmed the release of the original Japanese versions of Yu-Gi-Oh! as well as Shaman King on DVD this fall.
They'll both contain the original, unedited animation, which of course, has never been available in the US. We'll bring
you more details as we get them. Stay tuned to this breaking story!
Tuesday, 06.10.04 I
spent some time updating the Bio section with more information about characters and their role-play in the Yu-gi-oh. Enjoy reading the
new and updated Bio section.